클레릭 클래스 덱(Cleric Class Deck)

Kyrasword 특성이 있는 무기를 사용히면 반드시 "add the Magic trait (▢ and/or Fire trait)"를 적용해야 하나요(Does Kyra have to add the Magic trait (▢ and/or Fire trait) to her check when using a sword)?



Resolution: On Kyra's character card and both sides of her role card, change "If your combat check has the Sword trait, add 2 (▢ 4) and the Magic (▢ and Fire) trait to it" to "If your combat check has the Sword trait, add 2 (▢ 4) and you may add the Magic trait (▢ and/or Fire trait)".

posted Jan 6, 2015 | back to top

Flaming Scimitar +1Magic 특성이 있어야 하나요(Should the Flaming Scimitar +1 have the Magic trait)?

예, 있어야 합니다.

Yes, it should.

Resolution: On the weapon Flaming Scimitar +1, add the Magic trait.

posted Jun 1, 2015 | back to top

Major Cure는 버리는 대신 재충전에 대해서 적혀있습니다만, 카드를 버리라는 말이 없습니다. 있어야 하나요(Major Cure tells me how I can recharge it instead of discarding it, but it doesn't actually tell me to discard it. Should it)?

예, 있어야 합니다.

Yes, it should.

Resolution: On the spell Major Cure, the first power should end with "...into your deck, then discard this card."

posted Sep 22, 2015 | back to top

Vengeful Storm을 사용할떄, Wisdom 체크를 할 수 있나요(Can I really attempt a straight Wisdom check to play Vengeful Storm)?



Resolution: On the spell Vengeful Storm, delete the words "Wisdom or".

posted October 2014 | back to top

Deathbane Shield를 사용하여 체크에 Magic 특성을 추가한 후에도 다른 방어구를 사용할 수 있나요(Can I play another armor if I play Deathbane Shield to add the Magic trait to my check)?

예, 경장 방어구에 대한 숙련이 있다면 가능합니다.

Yes, if you're proficient with light armors.

Resolution: Change the second and third powers on the armor Deathbane Shield to "Reveal this card to add the Magic trait to your combat check, or to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2. If you are proficient with light armors, you may play another armor on this check."

(Note that this FAQ entry also applies to Deathbane Shield.)

posted Feb 6, 2015 | back to top

Deathbane ShieldMagic 특성이 있습니다. 이 카드들은 손패를 리셋하는 과정에서 재충전할 수 있어야 하지 않나요(The Deathbane Shield has the Magic trait. Shouldn’t it let you recharge it when you reset your hand)?



Resolution: On the armor Deathbane Shield, add the following text: “If you are proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.”

posted Feb 5, 2015 | back to top