카드 질문: 아일랜드 오브 엠티 아이즈(어드벤처 덱 4)(Card Questions: Island of Empty Eyes (Skull & Shackles Adventure Deck 4))
시나리오를 Bikendi Otongu
과 함께 이기면, loot
를 제외한 모든 boon
을 한 장씩 뽑을 수 있습니다. 카드를 선택할 수 있나요? 카드는 박스에서 나오나요? 시나리오를 반복하면 보상을 또 받을 수 있나요(If I win the scenario with Bikendi Otongu, I get to draw 1 card of each type of boon other than loot. Do I get to choose the cards? Do they come from the box? And can I do it all again when I replay the scenario)?
아니오, 예, 아니오(카드를 선택할 수 없고, 카드는 박스에서 뽑으며, 시나리오를 반복해도 보상을 받을 수 없습니다: 역자주).
No, yes, and no.
Resolution: On the role card Bikendi Otongu, change "If you win the scenario, draw 1 card of each boon type other than loot" to "If you win the scenario, draw 1 random card of each type of boon other than loot from the box. This counts as a scenario reward."
posted Jan 12, 2015 | back to top
Home Sweet Home
시나리오는 Gholdako
과 Ghol-Gon Obelisk
헨치맨을 사용합니다. 그런데 박스에는 Gholdako
는 6장이 있지만, Ghol-Gon Obelisk
는 1장 밖에 없습니다(The Home Sweet Home scenario calls for the henchmen Gholdako and Ghol-Gon Obelisks. Deck 4 contains 6 Gholdakos, but only one Obelisk).
프린트 에러로 인해서 Island of Empty Eyes
덱에 6장의 Gholdako
와 1장의 Ghol-Gon Obelisk
가 들어갔습니다; 실제로는 1장의 Gholdako
와 6장의 Ghol-Gon Obelisk
가 필요합니다. 그리고 6인이 플레이할 경우 Blink Spider
가 1장 적게 포함되었습니다.
이 문제를 해결하기 위해서 5장의 Ghol-Gon Obelisk
와 1장의 Blink Spider
그리고, 레몬을 레모네이드로 바꾸기 위해서 Land of the Blind
라는 새로운 시나리오를 추가한 팩을 제작하였습니다. 구입처에 문의해 주세요.
팩이 없이 Home Sweet Home
시나리오를 플레이 하려면 Buccaneer
를 프록시로 사용하는 것을 제안합니다.
Due to a printer error, adventure deck 4 of Skull & Shackles, Island of Empty Eyes, included 6 copies of the henchman Gholdako and 1 copy of the henchman Ghol-Gan Obelisk; it should have had 6 Ghol-Gan Obelisks and 1 Gholdako. And due to our own error, it has 1 fewer Blink Spider than you’ll need when you have 6 players.
We have solved this problem by making a pack of cards that includes 5 Ghol-Gan Obelisks, 1 Blink Spider, and—in the interest of turning lemons into lemonade—The Land of the Blind, a brand-new scenario that makes use of those extra Gholdako cards. We provided that for free to customers who purchased Island of Empty Eyes from paizo.com, we sent copies through our distributors, and we inserted the pack into our remaining stock of the Island of Empty Eyes Adventure Deck.
If you need to play the scenario "Home Sweet Home" without access to that pack, we suggest proxying with Buccaneers (that is, setting the Ghol-Gan Obelisk to the side, adding Buccaneers to the location decks instead, and referring to the Obelisk whenever you find a Buccaneer).
posted Jan 12, 2015 | back to top
Teleportation Chamber
는 언제 캐릭터들을 텔레포트 시키나요(When does the Teleportation Chamber teleport characters)?
당신 턴의 시작에 이루어 집니다.
At the start of your turn.
Resolution: On the location Teleportation Chamber, in the At This Location power, change "Choose a random character" to "At the start of your turn, randomly choose a character".
posted Jan 5, 2015 | back to top
만일 제가 Teleportation Chamber
에 있고, 탐험한 bane
을 물리치는데 실패하면 어떤 일이 일어납니까? 혹은 성공했는데, bane
이 헨치맨이면 장소를 닫을 수 있나요? 혹은 빌런이면..(If I'm at the Teleportation Chamber, and I fail to defeat the bane that I examined, what happens to it? Or what if I do defeat it, and it's a henchman—can I close the location it came from? Or what if it's the villain—do I...)
잠깐만요! 당신은 그 카드를 인카운드하지 않습니다. 단지 그 카드의 check to defeat
를 Teleportation Chamber
를 닫기 위한 용도로 사용할 뿐입니다.
Hold on there, friend! You're not encountering the card. You're just using its checks to defeat as the checks to close the Teleportation Chamber—nothing more.
Resolution: On the location Teleportation Chamber, change the "When Closing" power to "Examine the top card of a random other open location deck and, if it is a bane, succeed at its checks to defeat. If you did not examine a bane, this location closes automatically."
posted Feb 3, 2015 | back to top
는 언데드이니까 Mental
이나 Poison
특성에 면역아닌가요(The Gholdako is undead. Shouldn't it be immune to the Mental and Poison traits)?
Resolution: On the henchman Gholdako, add "The Gholdako is immune to the Mental and Poison traits."
posted Jan 5, 2015 | back to top
Coral Golem
은 Attack
특성이 있는 아이템에 의해서 영향을 받나요(Is the Coral Golem affected by items that have the Attack trait)?
Resolution: On the monster Coral Golem, change "You may not play spells that have the Attack trait" to "The Coral Golem is immune to the Attack and Mental traits".
posted Wed, Feb 3, 2016 | back to top
Gargoyle Sniper
는 파워 사용 후 Perception
체크를 하도록 되어 있습니다. 그러나 비슷한 효과를 가진 다른 카드들은 Wisdon
과 Perception
체크를 하도록 되어 있습니다. 양쪽 모두 있어야 하는 것 아닌가요(On Gargoyle Sniper, you have to succeed at a Perception check to avoid the negative effect. But a similar effect on a couple of cards in Adventure Deck 6 can be bypassed with a Wisdom or Perception check. Should this match those)?
Resolution: On the monster Gargoyle Sniper, change "succeed at a Perception 12 check" to "succeed at a Wisdom or Perception 12 check".
posted Jan 5, 2015 | back to top
Conch of the Tritons
는 체크에 다른 카드들을 사용하지 못하도록 되어 있습니다. 캐릭터 파워는 어떻게 되나요(Conch of the Tritons says other cards can't be used on the check. What about character powers)?
사용할 수 없습니다.
Resolution: On the loot Conch of the Tritons, change "No other cards may be used on this check" to "Characters may not play other cards or use powers on this check".
posted Mar 9, 2015 | back to top