Card Questions: Wrath of the Righteous Character Add-On Deck

Seoni the Corruptor 역할은 첫 번째 탐험 후 카드를 검사할 수 있는 파워가 있습니다. 시나리오의 첫 번째 탐험인가요, 턴의 첫 번쨰 탐험인가요(Seoni the Corruptor has a power that lets her examine cards after her first exploration. Is that her first exploration of the scenario, or of the turn)?

턴의 첫 번째 탐험입니다.

The turn.

Resolution: On the Corruptor side of Seoni's role card, change "After your first exploration" to "After the first exploration of your turn".

posted May 27, 2015 | back to top

Shardra the Visionary 역할은 특정 체크에 Knowledge 스킬을 사용할 수 있는 파워가 있습니다. 같은 장소에 있는 다른 캐릭터도 Knowledge 스킬을 사용할 수 있는 피트를 얻으면 사용되는 Knowledge 스킬은 누구의 것인가요(Shardra the Visionary has a power that lets her use her Knowledge skill for certain checks. When she takes the feat that allows others at her location to use Knowledge, does it use that person's Knowledge, or does it use Shardra's)?

그 캐릭터의 Knowledge 스킬을 사용합니다.

It uses that person's Knowledge skill.

Resolution: On the Visionary side of Shardra's role card, replace the third power with the following: "▢ When you attempt a check to defeat a barrier (▢ or close a location), you may use your Knowledge skill instead of the listed skill. (▢ Characters gain this power while at your location.)"

posted Fri, Jun 12, 2015 | back to top