Card Questions: City of Locusts (Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Deck 6)

Onslaught on Drezen 사나리오에는 빌런이 없습니다. 어떻게 이기죠(Onslaught on Drezen doesn't list a villain. How do you beat it)?

Aponavicius를 물리쳐서 코너에 몰으세요.

Defeat and corner Aponavicius.

Resolution: On the scenario Onslaught on Drezen, add the following to the end of the At This Scenario text: "You win the scenario only when you defeat and corner Aponavicius."

posted Oct 20, 2015 | back to top

The Pleasure Center 시나리오에서 어떤 장소에 남은 헨치멘을 넣고 섞어야 하나요? 그리고 빌런과 헨치멘을 더하기 전이 아니라 후에 하면 안되나요(In the scenario The Pleasure Center, which location do I shuffle any remaining henchmen into? And shouldn't I do that after I add the villain and henchman rather than before)?

빌런과 헨치멘을 더한 후에 Yearning House에 넣어야 합니다.

They should go into The Yearning House, after adding the villain and henchmen.

Resolution: In the scenario The Pleasure Center, change "After you build location decks, shuffle any henchmen from this scenario that remain in the box into the Pleasure Center" to "After you add the villain and henchmen to the location decks, shuffle any henchmen from this scenario that remain in the box into the Yearning House".

posted Oct 20, 2015 | back to top

Closing the Worldwound 시나리오에서 장소를 닫으려면 어떤 헨치멘이 필요하나요(What henchmen are needed for Closing the Worldwound)?

핸치멘 목록의 끝이 잘렸습니다. 하나의 Blackfire Adept와 필요한 만큼의 Brimoraks을 헨치멘 목록에 추가합니다.

We cut off the end of that list. It should have 1 Blackfire Adept and as many Brimoraks as needed.

Resolution: On the scenario Closing the Worldwound, change the henchmen line to "Henchmen: Favored of Deskari, Gimcrack, Blackfire Adept, Brimoraks."

posted Oct 20, 2015 | back to top

Closing the Worldwound 시나리오를 플레이할 때, 10개의 미씩 충전이 필요하나요(When I play the scenario Closing the Worldwound, should I have 10 mythic charges)?

아니오. 베인들만 어드벤처 덱의 숫자가 10인 것처럼 취급하면 됩니다.

No. Only banes should be treated as if the scenario's adventure deck number is 10.

Resolution: On the scenario Closing the Worldwound, change "Treat the scenario's adventure deck number as 10" to "Banes treat the scenario's adventure deck number as 10".

posted Oct 20, 2015 | back to top

Diurgez Broodlord에는 "만일 캐릭터가 죽으면 스킬 피트 1개와 카드 피트 1개를 삭제하시오."가 있습니다. 하지만 Diurgez Broodlord는 캐릭터를 죽일 수 없습니다-손패만 비우게 합니다. 그리고 미씩 토큰은 뭔가요(Diurgez Broodlord says "if you die, uncheck 1 skill feat or 1 card feat." But Diurgez Broodlord can't kill you—he can only wipe your hand. Also, what are "mythic tokens")?

손패를 리셋하게 해야 합니다. 그리고, "토큰"은 "충전"이어야 합니다.

He should force you to reset your hand, and "tokens" should be "charges."

Resolution: On the henchman Diurgez Broodlord, change the second power to "If undefeated, reset your hand and expend 1d4+2 mythic charges; if you die, uncheck 1 skill feat or 1 card feat."

posted Oct 20, 2015 | back to top

Rasping Rift Portal 주는 Mental 피해는 감소시킬 수 있나요(Can the Mental damage dealt by the Rasping Rift Portal be reduced)?



Resolution: On the barrier Rasping Rift Portal, change "If undefeated, you are dealt 1d6+1 Force damage, then 1d6+1 Mental damage" to "If undefeated, you are dealt 1d6+1 Force damage, then 1d6+1 Mental damage that may not be reduced".

posted Oct 20, 2015 | back to top

Dragonbreath Bow2-Handed 특성이 있어야 하나요(Should Dragonbreath Bow have the 2-Handed trait)?



Resolution: On the weapon Dragonbreath Bow, add the 2-Handed trait.

posted Oct 20, 2015 | back to top

Master's Lash를 공개했을 때 베인의 면역을 무시해야 하나요 아니면 버렸을 때만 해당되나요(Do I ignore a bane's immunities when I reveal Master's Lash, or only when I discard it)?

버렸을 때입니다.

Only when you discard it.

Resolution: On the weapon Master's Lash, change "you may additionally discard this card to add another 3d6+3 and the Poison trait; ignore the bane’s immunities on this check" to "you may additionally discard this card to add another 3d6+3 and the Poison trait, and ignore the bane’s immunities on this check".

posted Oct 20, 2015 | back to top

Miracle은 박스에서 주문을 소환하여 플레이합니다. 랜덤인가요 아니면 선택할 수 있나요(Miracle lets you summon and play a spell from the box. Is that random, or do you choose it)?

선택할 수 있습니다.

You choose it.

Resolution: On the spell Miracle, change the first power to "Bury this card and expend a mythic charge to choose a spell from the box and summon and play it."

posted Oct 20, 2015 | back to top

Bountiful BottleIron FlaskItem 특성이 있어야 하지 않나요(Should Bountiful Bottle and Iron Flask have the Item trait)?

아니오, Object 특성만 있습니다.

No, they should have the Object trait.

Resolution: On the items Bountiful Bottle and Iron Flask, change the Item trait to the Object trait.

posted Oct 20, 2015 | back to top

내 장소에 아무도 없을때에도 Dire Griffon을 사용하여 이동할 수 있나요? 다른 캐릭터가 있으면 꼭 같이 움직여야 하나요(Can I use Dire Griffon to move when there's nobody else at my location? If there are other characters at my location, do I have to move 1 of them)?

다른 캐릭터와 같이 움직일 필요는 없습니다.

You do not have to move another character when you move.

Resolution: On the ally Dire Griffon, change the first power to "At the start or end of your turn, discard this card to move; you may also move another character at your location to your new location."

posted Oct 20, 2015 | back to top

Blessing of the Inheritor의 마지막 부분은 언제 발동되나요(When does the last part of Blessing of the Inheritor trigger)?

플레이하면 발동됩니다.

When you play it.

Resolution: On the blessing Blessing of the Inheritor, change "If the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Iomedae trait" to "When you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Iomedae trait".

posted Oct 20, 2015 | back to top