Rules Questions
무엇을 무시하라는 것을 본 경우 모든 캐릭터가 그 것을 무시해야 하나요, 저만 무시하면 되나요(When you're told to ignore something, does everybody ignore that thing, or just you)?
당신만 무시하면 됩니다.
Just you.
Resolution: On page 2 of the rulebook, in the Golden Rule, change "if a card tells you to ignore something, the thing you’re ignoring never has any effect" to "if a card tells you to ignore something, the thing you’re ignoring never has any effect on you". (See this FAQ entry for more about "you.")
posted Sep 21, 2015 | back to top
빌런과 핸치멘을 추가하는 예제에서 Wights
는 왜 사용하지 않나요(In the example under Add Villains and Henchmen, why do I leave out the Wights)?
예제에서 사용하는 장소가 3곳이라는 것이 빠졌습니다.
The example should have mentioned that it was for 3 locations.
Resolution: On page 7 of the rulebook, under Add Villains and Henchmen, change "If your scenario card listed Karsos as the villain and Ghalcor, Unfettered Eidolon, and Wights as henchmen, you’ll make a stack of just the first 3, leaving the Wights in the box" to "If you have 3 locations and your scenario card listed Karsos as the villain and Ghalcor, Unfettered Eidolon, and Wights as henchmen, you’ll make a stack of just the first 3, leaving the Wights in the box". Note: This resolution was incorporated into PDF Edition 1.0 of the rulebook.
posted May 27, 2015 | back to top
"카드 한 장을 집을 때" 카드를 선택할 수 있나요(When I'm told to "draw a card," do I get to choose the card)?
집는 장소에 따라 다릅니다. 뒤집어진 덱이라면 가장 위의 카드를 집습니다. 앞면이 보이는 덱이면, 선택을 합니다. 박스에서 집는 것이면 (특별한 카드를 가르키는 경우를 제외하면) 적절한 타입의 카드를 무작위로 집어야 합니다.
It depends on where you're drawing from. If it's a facedown deck, draw the top card. If it's a faceup pile, choose. If it's the box, draw a random card of the appropriate type (unless we told you to draw a specific card, of course).
Resolution: On page 9 of the rulebook, add this text at the end of the Drawing Cards sidebar: "When you draw a card from a facedown deck, such as a character deck, a location deck, the blessings deck, or any other deck the game tells you to create, draw from the top of the deck. When you draw a card from a faceup pile, such as your discard pile, the blessings discard pile, or any other pile the game tells you to create, draw a card of your choice. When you draw a card from the box, unless you are told to draw a specific card, draw a random card of the appropriate type." Note: This resolution was incorporated into PDF Edition 1.0 of the rulebook.
posted May 27, 2015 | back to top
위의 예는 카드를 집는 경우인데요. 카드를 셔플하거나 매장하는 경우는 어떻습니까(The FAQ entry above talks about drawing. What if I'm told to shuffle or bury a card)?
위의 방법은 셔플하거나 매장하는 경우에도 적용됩니다.
The resolution above applies to those things as well.
Resolution: Append the following to the resolution of the previous FAQ: "This applies to actions other than drawing—for example, if you're told to bury 1 card from your deck, bury the top card; if you're told to bury 1 card from your discard pile, you choose the card."
posted Oct 26, 2015 | back to top
파워를 쓰기 위해 카드를 공개하고나서 어떤 상황으로 인해서 손패에 변동이 생길 때, 공개한 카드는 손패에 있는 것인가요? 표시한 카드는 어떻게 되나요? 혹은 카드를 사용 재충전전에 버린 후 버린 더미에 변동이 생길때, 그 카드는 버린 더미에 있는 것인가요(If I reveal a card for a power, and then something messes with my hand, is the revealed card in my hand? What if I display it? If I discard a card that could be recharged, but something messes with my discard pile before I can make the check to recharge it, is the card really in the discard pile)?
공개와 표시는 즉시 발생합니다. 다른 액션은 끝날때까지, 손패, 표시, 버린 더미, 덱 등 어디에도 속하지 않고 기다립니다.
Revealing and displaying happen instantly. Every other action waits until you know what action it really is.
Resolution: On page 10 of the rulebook, after the bulleted list of possible actions, add the following: "When you reveal a card, it does not leave your hand. When you display a card, it leaves your hand immediately. When you play a card by performing any other action, set it aside while you process its effects. For example, a spell might tell you to discard it, then allow you to succeed at a check to recharge it instead; set it aside until you resolve the check that determines whether or not you recharge it. While set aside, a card does not count as being in your hand, your discard pile, your deck, or anywhere else."
posted May 27, 2015 | back to top
카드의 파워 중 아직 해결하지 않은 것들이 남아 있는 상태에서 카드가 박스 혹은 덱으로 되돌아 가게 되어도 수행하지 못한 파워들을 해야 하나요(Something made a card go back in the box or into a deck even though there were still things on the card that hadn't been done. Do I still do those things)?
Resolution: On page 10 of the rulebook, following the paragraph that appears after the bulleted list of actions, add the following: "Cards often have instructions that you need to follow after you play the card; follow these instructions even if the card is no longer in your hand (even if the card is out of your sight, such as in the box or in a deck)."
posted May 27, 2015 | back to top
카드의 능력이 카드를 얻는 굴림이나 물리치는 굴림에 영향을 주는 굴림을 하라고 할때, 언제 해야 하나요(If a card says I can attempt a check to affect my check to acquire or defeat that card, when do I attempt that check)?
카드를 얻는 굴림이나 물리치는 굴림을 하기 전에 즉시 해야 합니다.
Immediately before you start the check to defeat or acquire.
Resolution: On page 10 of the rulebook, in the second paragraph of Encountering a Card, add the sentence "The card you're encountering might require or allow a check that can affect your check to acquire or defeat; you must resolve that check before you begin the check to acquire or defeat."
posted Jun 1, 2015 | back to top
파워로 인해서 카드를 자동으로 얻거나 물리치는 경우, 그 굴림은 성공으로 봐야 하나요? 그리고 정확히 언제 그 파워를 써야 하나요(If a power allows you to automatically defeat or acquire a card, does it count as succeeding at the check or checks to do so? And when exactly do I use that power)?
이 경우 굴림은 성공으로 간주하며, 파워는 체크를 시도할 때 사용합니다.
It does count as succeeding at the required checks, and you use it when you would attempt the check.
Resolution: On page 10 of the rulebook, under Attempt the Check, add the following as a new paragraph after the first paragraph.
If a power allows you to automatically defeat or acquire a card, you may use it instead of attempting the check. Using such a power counts as succeeding at all checks required to defeat or acquire the card. You may not use such a power on any card that does not have a check to acquire or defeat, or on any card that has a check you're not allowed to succeed at.
posted Jul 27, 2015 | back to top
한 장소에 여러 장의 앞면으로 놓인 카드들이 있을 때, 한번의 탐험으로 모든 카드를 인카운터해야 하나요(If there are multiple faceup cards on top of a single location deck, are you supposed to encounter them all in a single exploration)?
카드 한 장마다 탐험 한 번이 필요합니다.
One per exploration.
Resolution: On page 11 of the rulebook, in the Faceup Cards sidebar, change the last sentence to the following: "If multiple cards are left faceup on the same deck, you may place them in any order and encounter them in that order, one per exploration." Note: This resolution was incorporated into PDF Edition 1.0 of the rulebook.
posted May 27, 2015 | back to top
어떤 굴림을 시도할 때, 성공하기를 원하지 않는다면 굴림없이 실패하는 것을 선택할 수 있나요(If I'm told to attempt a check, and I don't want to succeed, can I just choose to fail)?
아니오. 성공하기 위해서 자원을 쓰거나 스킬을 고를 수 있는 경우 최적의 스킬을 사용할 필요는 없지만, 굴림은 시도해야 합니다.
No. You don't have to spend resources to succeed, and if you have a choice of skills, you don't have to use your best skill... but you do have to attempt the check.
Resolution: On page 11 of the rulebook, under Attempting a Check, add the following to the end of the first paragraph: "When you are required to attempt a check, you may not choose to fail it."
posted Jun 8, 2015 | back to top
파워가 굴림에 스킬을 더하는 경우 굴림의 형식이 변경되나요? 예를 들면 Padrig
를 사용해서 Strength
굴림에 Arcane
스킬을 더하면 Arcane
굴림이 되나요(When a power adds a skill to a check, does it change the type of check? For example, if I use Padrig to add my Arcane skill to a Strength check, does that make it an Arcane check)?
아니오. (대부분의 무기나 공격 주문처럼) 파워가 어떤 굴림에서 어떤 스킬을 쓰라고 하는 경우 사용하는 스킬을 굴림의 특성으로는 추가하지만, 굴림에 다른 스킬들을 더한다고 추가되는 스킬들이 특성으로 추가되지는 않습니다.
No. When a power says you may use a skill for a check (like most weapons and attack spells), it adds the skills you're using as traits to the check, but when you're just adding another skill to a check, those skills are not added as traits.
Resolution: On page 12 of the rulebook, under "Determine Which Skill You're Using," replace the first two paragraphs with the three that follow. (This might seem like a big change, but mostly, we've taken the opportunity to rewrite and reorganize this section for clarity and to add some more examples. The most significant additions are the last two sentences, and even these are just to clarify that a thing doesn't happen; since nothing ever suggested it did happen, none of this actually changes gameplay at all.)
Determine Which Skill You’re Using. Cards that require a check specify the skill or skills you can use to attempt the check. Each check to defeat or acquire a card lists one or more skills; you may choose any of the listed skills for your check. For example, if a check lists Dexterity, Disable, Strength, and Melee, you may use any one of those skills to attempt your check. Even if your character doesn’t have any of the skills listed for a check, you can still attempt the check, but your die is a d4.
Some cards allow you to use a particular skill for a specific type of check, or to use one skill instead of another. (These cards generally say things like "For your combat check, use your Strength or Melee skill," or "Use your Strength skill instead of your Diplomacy skill.") You may play only 1 such card or use only 1 such power to determine which skill you're using. A few cards that can be used on checks don’t use any of your skills; they instead specify the exact dice you need to roll or the result of your die roll.
The skill you're using for the check, and any skill referenced by that skill, are added as traits to the check. For example, if your character has the skill Melee: Strength +2, and you are using your Melee skill, both the Strength and the Melee traits are added to the check. When you're playing a card to determine the skill you're using, that card’s traits are also added to the check; for example, revealing the weapon Heavy Pick for your combat check adds the Pick, Melee, Piercing, and Basic traits to the check. (This isn’t the same as giving you a skill; for example, playing the spell Dazzle adds the Arcane trait to your check, but it does not give you the Arcane skill.) If a power adds an additional skill to a check, that skill is not added as a trait to the check. For example, a card that adds your Craft skill to your combat check does not add the Craft trait to your check.
Note: This resolution was incorporated into PDF Edition 1.0 of the rulebook.
posted May 27, 2015 | back to top
어떤 파워가 주사위를 다시 굴리게 하는 경우, 그 파워를 한번 이상 사용할 수 있나요(If a power lets me reroll dice, and I have a way to use that power more than once, can I)?
아니오. 만일 서로 다른 파워가 재굴림을 하게 한다면 가능하지만, 같은 재굴림 파워를 한번이상 사용할 수 없습니다.
Nope. If a different power allows you to reroll, that’s ok, but you can't use the same reroll power more than once.
Resolution: On page 13 of the rulebook, under Attempt the Roll, add the following after the first sentence: "Powers may allow or require you to reroll 1 or more dice; each such power can let you reroll dice only once in a single check or step.” Note: This correction was included in PDF Edition 1.0 of the rulebook.
posted May 26, 2015 | back to top
만일 인카운터 도중 캐릭터가 사망하면, 턴의 남은 단계를 수행해야 하나요? 인카운트한 카드는 어떻게 되나요(If your character dies during an encounter, do you keep doing the steps of your turn? What happens to the card you were encountering)?
캐릭터가 사망하면, 턴이 즉시 종료됩니다. 인카운팅한 카드는 물리친 것도, 물리치치 못한 것도 아니며 카드가 나온 덱으로 섞어 넣습니다(소환되었다면 제거합니다).
If your character dies, your turn immediately ends. So this rule( tells you what to do with the card you were encountering.
Resolution: On page 14 of the rulebook, under Dying, add the italicized text to the following sentence: "Bury your deck, hand, and discard pile; your turn immediately ends."
posted Jul 28, 2015 | back to top
어떤 효과가 모든 캐릭터, 혹은 무작위의 캐릭터에게 영향을 줄 때, 죽은 캐릭터도 포함되나요? 죽은 캐릭터도 영향을 줄 수 있나요(When something affects all characters, or a random character, could it affect a dead character? Can dead characters affect anything)?
죽은 캐릭터는 어떤 영향도 줄 수 없으며, 효과에서 특별히 언급하는 경우에만 죽은 캐릭터에게 영향을 줄 수 있습니다.
Dead characters can't affect anything, and things only affect dead characters when they specifically say they do.
Resolution: On page 14 of the rulebook, under Dying, amend the following sentence with the portion in italics: "You cannot take turns, play cards, move, do anything, or affect anything while you are dead; effects that refer to characters do not affect you unless they specifically refer to dead characters.
posted Jun 2, 2015 | back to top
카드를 redeem
하는 경우 Redemption card
에서 원하는 카드를 고를 수 있나요(When you redeem a card, can you choose any card on the Redemption card)?
아니오. 특별히 원하는 카드를 고르는 경우를 제외하면 보유하고 있는 카드 중의 하나만을 redeem
할 수 있습니다.
No—unless a card specifies otherwise, you can only redeem one of your cards. (Page 10 of the rulebook tells you that "your cards include your deck, the cards in your hand, and your buried, discarded, and displayed cards.")
On page 14 of the rulebook, add the italicized text to the following sentence: "When a card allows you to redeem a card, and that card is among your cards, check it off on the redemption card."
On page 23 of the rulebook, add the italicized text to the following sentence: "When a card allows you to redeem one of these cards, and that card is among your cards, check it off on the redemption card."
posted Sep 19, 2015 | back to top
장소를 소환하여 생성하는 경우 헨치맨이나 빌런을 추가해야 하나요(When you summon and build a location, do you add henchmen or villains)?
지시받는 경우를 제외하면 그럴 필요 없습니다.
Not unless you're instructed to.
Resolution: On page 15 of the rulebook, under Summoning and Adding Cards, add the italicized text to the paragraph below.
If you’re told to summon and build a location, if it’s not already built, retrieve the location card from the box and build the location as usual; do not add villains or henchmen unless instructed to do so. The location and its deck remain in play for the rest of the scenario and are no longer considered summoned cards.
posted Aug 10, 2015 | back to top
"소환하여 플레이"가 의미하는 것은 무엇인가요(What does "summon and play" mean)?
카드를 "소환하여 플레이"하도록 지시받으면, 즉시 그 카드를 박스에서 드로우하여 플레이하며, 그 카드에 있는 파워 중 현재 상황에서 사용될 수 있는 모든 파워를 사용한 후 제거합니다. 만일 현재 상황에서 어떤 파워도 사용될 수 없다면, 그냥 제거합니다.
Resolution: On page 15 of the rulebook, under Summoning and Adding Cards, add the following as a new paragraph following the paragraph about "summon and build."
If you are instructed to summon and play a card, immediately draw the card from the box and play it, using any power on it that can be used in the current circumstance, then banish it. If no power on it can be used in the current circumstance, banish it.
posted Aug 14, 2015 | back to top
내 캐릭터가 있지 않은 장소를 닫을 수 있나요(Can you close a location that your character is not at)?
Resolution: Under Closing a Location on page 15, add the following to the end of the first paragraph: "You can never attempt to close a location unless your character is at that location."
posted Jul 14, 2015 | back to top
장소 덱이 제거될 때에 그 안에 cohort
가 있는 경우 그 카드를 게임에서 제거해야 하나요? 좀 너무 한 것 같습니다(If there's a cohort in a location deck when it gets banished, does that mean it gets removed from the game? That seems pretty mean).
그런 의도는 아니었습니다. 장소 덱을 제거할 때에 cohort
를 찾아서 인카운터하세요.
We're not that mean.
Resolution: On page 15 of the rulebook, under Closing a Location, make the italicized changes in the following text: "If you succeed at meeting the When Closing requirement, search the location deck for cohorts and encounter them. Then search the deck for villains. If you find any, banish all non-villain cards from the location deck; the location is not closed—but at least you know where the villains are!"
posted Dec 5, 2015 | back to top
임시로 장소를 닫는 것에 대하여 질문이 좀 있습니다(I have some questions about temporarily closing locations).
임시 폐쇄는 빌런을 인카운터하기 전에 수행해야 합니다. 빌런이 나온 지역은 임시 폐쇄가 불가능합니다. 무언가가 당신의 폐쇄 굴림 시도전에 다른 장소로 이동하게 한다면, 그 장소는 당신이 임시 폐쇄할 수 없습니다.
Excellent—we have some answers. Temp closes need to happen before you encounter the villain, not when you encounter it. The villain's location cannot be temporarily closed. And if something causes you to move to another location before you can make your attempt, bad luck for you.
Resolution: On page 16 of the rulebook, under Attempt to Temporarily Close Open Locations, replace "When a character encounters a villain, each character at any other location may immediately attempt to fulfill the When Closing requirement for his location" with the following:
Before a character encounters a villain, each other character at any other location may immediately attempt to fulfill the When Closing requirement for his location; the villain's location cannot be temporarily closed. You may decide the order in which these attempts are made. If anything causes a character to move to a different location before his attempt is made, he cannot attempt to close a location.
posted Sep 1, 2015 | back to top
"Dealing with Cards"에서는 요구되는 태스크를 수행할 때에 카드가 모자른 경우에 대해서 설명합니다. 캐릭터나 미씩 차지 같은 카드가 아닌 자원은 어떻게 해야 하나요(The "Dealing with Cards" sidebar tells me what to do if I don't have enough cards to perform a required task. What do I do if the task requires some non-card resource, like characters, or mythic charges)?
동일한 규칙이 적용됩니다-가지고 있는 모든 것을 사용하세요.
The same rules apply—use as many as you have.
Resolution: Replace the Dealing with Cards sidebar on page 17 with a new sidebar entitled Limited Resources:
If you’re required to do something with a certain number of things and there aren’t that many things available, use as many as there are. For example, if you're told to choose 2 characters at a location occupied by only 1 character, choose only that character. If you’re told to draw 4 cards from a deck that has only 3 cards, draw the 3 cards. (Regardless, if you need to remove any number of cards from the blessings deck and don’t have enough, you lose the scenario; if you need to remove any number of cards from your deck and don’t have enough, your character dies.)
Note that this only applies when you are required to do something. If you have the opportunity to do something that requires a limited resource, and you don't have enough of that resource, you cannot do that thing. For example, if you have the opportunity to close a location whose "When Closing" says "Discard 2 spells," and you have only 1 spell, you cannot close that location.
Note: The original sidebar contained the following text: "Whenever you’re instructed to randomly choose cards, shuffle the cards you’re drawing from and draw from the top." That should be moved to the "Drawing Cards" sidebar on page 9, which should be renamed "Dealing with Cards." (Yes, that's what this sidebar used to be called...)
posted Oct 26, 2015 | back to top
가 장소 덱으로 들어가면 어떻게 되나요(What happens if a cohort ends up in a location deck)?
인카운터하면, 자동적으로 얻을 수 있습니다.
If you encounter it, you acquire it.
Resolution: On page 22 of the rulebook, following "...after drawing starting hands, each character may add 1 of the listed cohorts to her hand.", add "If you encounter a cohort in a location deck, you automatically acquire it."
posted Sep 22, 2015 | back to top
만일 어떤 파워에 어떤 신의 이름이 들어간 블레싱을 지칭하면, 그 특정 블레싱만을 사용할 수 있습니까(If I have a power that refers to a blessing named for a deity, can I use it only with that specific blessing)?
그 신이 특성으로 표기된 모든 블레싱으로 파워를 사용할 수 있습니다.
You can use it with any blessing that has the trait of that deity.
Resolution: On page 24 of the rulebook, under Blessing, add "When a power refers to a blessing of a particular deity, it works with any blessing that has that deity's name as a trait. For example, a power that refers to Blessing of Iomedae also applies to any blessing that has the Iomedae trait."
posted Jun 30, 2015 | back to top
물리치는 굴림에 "None" 이나 "See Below"이 있는 경우 그 형태의 bane
을 자동으로 물리치는 파워를 사용할 수 있나요(Can a bane with a Check to Defeat of "None" or "See Below" be defeated by a power that automatically defeats that type of bane)?
그 bane
이 허용하지 않으면 사용할 수 없습니다.
Not unless the bane says so.
Resolution: On page 25 of the rulebook, under Check to Defeat, change 'If the check is listed as “None,” the bane cannot be defeated' to 'If the check is listed as “None” or “See Below,” the requirements to defeat the bane may be stated in the bane’s power. If the check is listed as “None” and the power does not state the requirements to defeat the bane, the bane cannot be defeated.' Note: This resolution was incorporated into PDF Edition 1.0 of the rulebook.
posted May 27, 2015 | back to top
에 "당신"이 무엇인가를 하도록하는 파워가 있는 경우 "당신"은 그 bane
을 인카운팅한 캐릭터인가요? 아니면 그것을 하는 모든 사람인가요(When a bane has a power that triggers when "you" do something, does "you" mean just the person encountering the bane, or anybody doing that thing)?
그 것을 하는 모든 사람을 지칭합니다.
It applies to anybody who does that thing.
Resolution: On page 25 of the rulebook, under Banes, add the following to the end of the Powers section: "If a bane says an effect happens if or when you do a particular thing, it applies to any character who does that thing. If it limits the things you can do, that limit applies to any character who wants to do those things; however, if the limitation is the result of an action such as playing a card or attempting a check, it applies only to the character who took that action."
posted Jul 27, 2015 | back to top
"Based on Wrath of the Righteous" 크레딧은 "Based on Skull & Shackles"에 비하면 보기에 좋지 않습니다(The "Based on Wrath of the Righteous" credits look an awful lot like the "Based on Skull & Shackles" credits..).
Resolution: On page 30, the "Based on Wrath of the Righteous" credits should read "Wolfgang Baur, Jim Groves, James Jacobs, Richard Pett, Amber E. Scott, Neil Spicer, and Greg A. Vaughan."
posted Dec 2, 2015 | back to top