Card Questions: Sword of Valor (Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Deck 2)

Siege of Drezen 시나리오에서 각각의 장소 덱을 만들때, 헨치맨을 포함해야 하나요? Citadel을 만들 때에는 이전 장소 덱의 카드를 포함해야 하나요(In The Siege of Drezen, when I build each location deck, do I include henchmen? When I build the Citadel, do I include the cards from the previous location deck)?

준비 단계에서 첫 번째 장소 덱만 만듭니다. 장소를 닫기 전에 다음 장소를 소환하여 생성하고, 헨치맨을 더하고, 현재 장소 덱을 섞어 넣습니다. 플레이어 수에 따른 목록의 마지막 장소 덱을 닫기 전에 Citadel을 소환하여 Soltengrebbe 빌런을 추가하고 Brimorak 헨치맨을 캐릭터마다 1장씩 추가합니다. 그리고 현재 장소 덱을 섞어 넣습니다. 시나리오에서 승리하려면 Soltengrebbe를 물리쳐야 합니다.

Here's what's going on in non-technical terms: During setup, build only the first location, which should include its regular card list plus a Worldwound Cadre.When you close that, build the next listed location using its regular card list, plus a Worldwound Cadre, plus all the leftover cards from the previous location. Repeat that until you close the last location listed for your number of characters. Then set out the Citadel. Shuffle together the villain, one Brimorak per character, and the leftover cards from the last location. (Note you are ignoring the Citadel's card list and you are not adding a Worldwound Cadre this time.)

Resolution: On the scenario The Siege of Drezen, replace During This Scenario with the following text:

When setting up, build only the first location. Before closing a location, summon and build the next location, add a henchman, then shuffle the current location deck into it. Before closing the final location listed for your number of players, set out the location Citadel, add the villain Soltengrebbe and 1 henchman Brimorak per character, then shuffle the current location deck into it. To win the scenario, defeat Soltengrebbe.

posted Jul 21, 2015 | back to top

Chasm of Shadows 장소의 카드를 검사하거나 찾는 제한은 그 장소에 있느 캐릭터에게만 제한되나요(Is the restriction on searching and examining Chasm of Shadows limited to characters at that location)?

아니오-어떤 캐릭터도 Chasm of Shadows 장소 덱을 찾거나 검사할 수 없습니다.

No—nobody gets to search or examine that deck.

Resolution: On the location Chasm of Shadows, change the At This Location power to "This location deck cannot be searched or examined."

posted Jul 14, 2015 | back to top

Nulkineth에 있는 Divine 보너스는 무엇인가요(Nulkineth cares about my "Divine bonus." What is that)?

Divine 수정치를 말합니다. (캐릭터의 Wisdom이 d12 +1 이고 DivineWisdom +2 이면 수정치는 +3 입니다.)

That should be your Divine modifier. (If your character card says "Wisdom: d12 +1", and “Divine: Wisdom +2,” the modifier for your Divine skill is +3.)

Resolution: On the villain Nulkineth, change "Divine bonus" to "Divine modifier".

posted Sep 22, 2015 | back to top

Theruk Nul이 피해를 주면 피해를 받아야 하나요(If Theruk Nul would deal me damage, am I dealt the damage)?

예. 다만 손패 대신에 덱에서 버리면 됩니다.

Yes. You just discard from your deck instead of your hand.

Resolution: On the henchman Theruk Nul, change "While you act, when you would be dealt damage by Theruk Nul, discard that number of cards from the top of your deck instead of your hand" to "While you act, when you are dealt damage by Theruk Nul, discard cards from the top of your deck instead of your hand".

posted Jun 25, 2015 | back to top

Marksman's Bow2-Handed 특성이 있어야 하지 않나요(Should Marksman's Bow have the 2-Handed trait)?



Resolution: On the weapon Marksman's Bow, add the 2-Handed trait.

posted Oct 9, 2015 | back to top

Dismissal를 전투 굴림에 사용하면 뭔가를 해야 하지 않나요(If I play Dismissal on my combat check, do I have to do anything with the card)?

그 카드를 버려야 합니다.

You have to discard it.

Resolution: On the spell Dismissal, change "use your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d8 plus the scenario’s adventure deck number" to "discard this card to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d8 plus the scenario’s adventure deck number".

posted Jun 25, 2015 | back to top

Paralyze 주문은 Attack 특성이 있어야 하지 않나요(Should Paralyze have the Attack trait)?



Resolution: On the spell Paralyze, add the Attack trait.

posted Jul 23, 2015 | back to top

Armor of the PiousIomedae 특성이 있어야 하지 않나요(Should Armor of the Pious have the Iomedae trait)?



Resolution: On the armor Armor of the Pious, add the Iomedae trait.

posted Sep 21, 2015 | back to top

Planar Tuning Fork를 사용하고 현재 있는 닫힌 장소에 "이 장소에 있을때" 파워가 있으면 그 파워를 수행해야 하나요 아니면 대체해야 하나요(When I use Planar Tuning Fork, and the location I'm at already has an "At This Location" power on the closed side, am I augmenting that power or replacing it)?

원래 카드의 파워는 무시하고 대체해야 합니다.

You're replacing it.

Resolution: On the item Planar Tuning Fork, add the italicized text to the following sentence: "While displayed, treat the closed location as if it had the At This Location power from the displayed card, and ignore any such power on the original location card."

posted Jul 15, 2015 | back to top