카드 질문: 스컬 \& 새클스 캐릭터 애드온 덱(Card Questions: Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck)
이 실제로 사용하지 않았지만 배니쉬되는 Alchemical
카드를 리차지 할 수 있나요? 그런 카드들을 반드시 리차지해야 하나요(Can Damiel recharge Alchemical cards that he banishes even when he doesn't actually play those cards? And does he have to recharge them)?
No and no.
Resolution: In the Powers section on Damiel's character card and both sides of his role card, change "When you would banish a card that has the Alchemical trait, recharge it instead" to "When you play a card that has the Alchemical trait and would banish it, you may recharge it instead".
posted Sep 18, 2014 | back to top
은 Arcane
이나 Divine
이 있는 주문을 파워에서 얻는 스킬로 리차지할 수 있나요(Can Damiel recharge spells with the Arcane or Divine skill he gains)?
Resolution: In the Powers section on Damiel's character card and both sides of his role card, change "When you play a spell that does not have the Attack trait, you gain the skills Arcane and Divine equal to your Craft skill until the end of the step" to "You gain the skills Arcane and Divine equal to your Craft skill while you play or when you would banish a spell that does not have the Attack trait".
posted Oct 10, 2014 | back to top
의 Aquamancer
역할은 배를 상대로 전투 체크를 할 때 도움이 되는 파워를 가지고 있지만, 배는 전투 체크가 없습니다. 어떻게 된 것인가요(Lini's Aquamancer role has a power that apparently helps combat checks against ships, but ships never have combat checks. What's the deal there)?
그 파워는 전투 체크만이 아니라 배를 대상으로 하는 모든 체크에 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.
The power should help characters with any check against a ship, not just combat checks.
Resolution: On the Aquamancer side of Lini's role card, replace the second-to-last power with the following:
□ Add 2 (□ 4) to any combat check by a character at your location against a card that has the Aquatic trait (□ or any check by that character against a ship).
posted Sep 2, 2014 | back to top
의 Aquamancer
역할은 물리친 Aquatic
몬스터를 본패에 넣을 수 있는 파워가 있습니다. 이 능력이 도망가는 Villain
에게도 적용이 되나요(Lini's Aquamancer role has a power that lets her put an Aquatic monster she defeated into her hand. Does that apply to escaping villains, too)?
아니오, 배니시되는 몬스터에만 적용됩니다.
No, only to monsters that would otherwise be banished.
Resolution: On the Aquamancer side of Lini's role card, after "If you defeat a monster that has the Aquatic trait" add "and would banish it".
posted Sep 3, 2014 | back to top
Water Elemental
은 Outsider
특성이 있어야 하지 않나요(Shouldn't Water Elemental have the Outsider trait)?
Resolution: On the monster Water Elemental, add the Outsider trait.
posted Thu, Feb 4, 2016 | back to top
Potion of Lucubration
은 정말로 Elite
특성이 있습니까(Is the Potion of Lucubration really supposed to have the Elite Trait)?
아니오, Basic
No—it should be Basic.
Resolution: On the item Potion of Lucubration, replace the Elite trait with the Basic trait.
posted Sep 2, 2014 | back to top