로그 클래스 덱(Rogue Class Deck)

Lesath가 자신의 턴 끝에 표시된 몬스터를 제거하면 다시 표시해야 하나요(If Lesath banishes a displayed monster at the end of his turn, does he then have to display it again)?

아니오, 그러면 몬스터들이 제거되지 않습니다. 그런 것은 아닙니다.

No, because then they would never get banished. That's no good.

Resolution: On Lesath's character card and the Sword Dancer side of his role card, change "When you would banish a monster, display it. You may recharge a card to add 1d6 (▢+1) to your combat check for each displayed monster." to "When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may display it instead. Before you attempt a combat check, you may recharge a card to add a number of d6 (▢+1) equal to your number of displayed monsters. At the end of your turn, banish your displayed monsters."

On the Dervish side of his role card, change the power to "When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may display it instead. Before you attempt a combat check, you may recharge a card to add a number of d6 (▢+1) (▢+2) (▢+3) equal to your number of displayed monsters. At the end of your turn, banish your displayed monsters."

posted September 2014 | back to top

Merisiel the Forger는 버린 무기 카드들에 영향을 주는 파워가 있습니다. 플레이한 무기로만 제한되나요(Merisiel the Forger has a power that affects weapons she discards. Is that restricted to weapons that she plays)?

플레이한 카드로만 제한되어야 합니다.

It should be restricted to cards you play.

Resolution: On the Forger side of Merisiel's role card, make the changes in italics to the following power: "When you play a weapon and would discard (□ or bury) (□ or banish) it, you may perform the action with a blessing (□ or any card) instead."

posted Jul 22, 2015 | back to top

복수의 체크가 필요한 몬스터를 인카운터하였을 때 Olenjack은 그 체크들간 탐험을 할 수 있나요(When encountering a monster that has multiple checks to defeat, can Olenjack explore in between those checks)?



Resolution: On Olenjack's character card and both sides of his role card, change "On your turn, when you succeed at a combat check that has the Poison trait, you may immediately explore again" to "On your turn, when you succeed at a combat check that has the Poison trait, after defeating the bane you may immediately explore again".

posted Jun 2, 2015 | back to top

Wu ShenPrey Stalker 역할을 선택하면 즉시 배리어를 물리치는 체크에 2를 더하는 파워를 얻게되나요(Do I gain the power to add 2 to my checks to defeat barriers as soon as I select Wu Shen's Prey Stalker role)?

아니오, 그 파워의 앞에는 체크박스가 있어야 합니다. 하지만 이미 너무 많은 피트가 있으므로, 그 파워의 마지막에 있는 체크박스를 제거합니다.

No, that power should have a checkbox at the front. But then she'll have too many feats, so we need to remove the last checkbox in that power.

Resolution: On the Prey Stalker side of Wu Shen's role card, change "Add 2 (▢ 4) to your check to defeat a barrier (▢ or close a location)" to "▢ Add 2 (▢ 4) to your check to defeat a barrier or close a location".

posted November 2014 | back to top

Keen Rapier +3를 제외하면 모든 레이피어나 keen 무기는 사용 캐릭터가 무기에 대한 특화 능력이 없으면 패널티를 가지고 있습니다. Keen Rapier +3도 이런 패널티가 있어야 하지 않나요(Except for Keen Rapier +3, rapiers and other keen weapons all have penalties when used by characters who aren’t proficient with weapons. Should Keen Rapier +3 have that penalty)?



Resolution: On the weapon Keen Rapier +3, add the sentence “If you aren’t proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.”

posted Apr 28, 2015 | back to top

로그 클래스 덱에 있는 Light Crossbow +1에는 Magic 특성 대신 Basic 특성이 있습니다. 잘못된 것인가요(The Light Crossbow +1 in the Rogue Class Deck has the Basic trait instead of the Magic trait. That's wrong, right)?

예, 잘못되었습니다.

Right—that's wrong.

Resolution: On the weapon Light Crossbow +1, replace the Basic trait with the Magic trait. (This card is correct in the Wizard Class Deck.)

posted September 2014 | back to top

Main-Gauche +1을 다른 무기와 함께 사용할 수 있나요? 파워의 첫 문장은 사용할 수 있는 경우가 아니라 못하는 경우를 말하네요(Can I play Main-Gauche +1 with another weapon or not? The first sentence tells me when I can't, not when I can).

2-Handed 특성이 없는 무기를 플레이하면 사용할 수 있습니다.

You can, so long as you didn't play another weapon with the 2-Handed trait.

Resolution: On the weapon Main-Gauche +1, replace the text with the following:

For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d4+1.

Recharge this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2. You may play this card on a check even if you played a weapon that does not have the 2-Handed trait.

posted Jun 3, 2015 | back to top

다른 Speed 주문은 Wisdom 혹은 Divine 체크로 얻을 수 있는데, 로그 덱의 Speed는 그렇지 않습니다. 어떻게 해야 되나요(Other versions of Speed can be acquired with Wisdom or Divine, but not the one in the Rogue deck. What's the deal)?

참 신기한 오류입니다.

That's a pretty mysterious error.

Resolution: On the spell Speed, the check to acquire should be Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 6.

posted November 2014 | back to top

Arrow Catching Studded LeatherMagic 특성이 있습니다. 이 카드들은 손패를 리셋하는 과정에서 재충전할 수 있어야 하지 않나요(The Arrow Catching Studded Leather has the Magic trait. Shouldn’t it let you recharge it when you reset your hand)?



Resolution: On the armor Arrow Catching Studded Leather, add the following text: “If you are proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.”

posted Feb 5, 2015 | back to top

Burglar를 회피하면 무기나 아이템을 버려야 하나요? 얻지 않기로 결정하면 어떻게 되나요(If I evade the Burglar, do I have to discard a weapon or item? What if I choose not to acquire it)?

Burglar를 회피하면 카드를 버릴 필요가 없습니다. 카드를 회피하면 카드에 있는 파워 중 어떤 것도 발동되지 않습니다. Burglar를 얻지 않기로 결정한 경우에는 카드를 버려야만 합니다.

If you evade the Burglar, you don't have to discard, because the Skull & Shackles rulebook clarified that if you evade a card, you do not activate any other powers on it. If you choose not to acquire the Burglar, you do have to discard.

Resolution: On the ally Burglar, change "If you fail the check to acquire this card" to "If you fail to acquire this card". (The Skull & Shackles rulebook introduced the rule "If you choose not to acquire a boon, it counts as failing to acquire it.")

posted Sep 22, 2015 | back to top