카드 질문: 헬스 하트(어드벤처 덱 6)(Card Questions: From Hell's Heart (Skull & Shackles Adventure Deck 6))

Shrine to Besmara에는 "Pirate 혹은 Swashbuckling 속성을 가진다." 라고 되어 있습니다. 이미 하나를 가지고 있을 때 다른 걸 선택하는 것이 가능한가요(Shrine to Besmara says "Your checks have the Pirate or Swashbuckling trait." If my check already has one, can I still choose the other? Can I choose both? How about neither)?

Besmara는 도움이 되기를 원합니다. 캐릭터가 필요로 하는 것을 고를 수 있습니다.

Besmara just wants to help you. Pick the ones you like.

Resolution: On the location Shrine to Besmara, change the "At this location" text to "You may add the Pirate and/or Swashbuckling traits to your checks."

posted yesterday | back to top

Admiral Druvalia Thrune의 두번째 파워는 주사위를 굴린 숫자에만 적용되나요, 아니면 결과(수정치를 포함한)에 적용되나요(Does Admiral Druvalia Thrune's second power apply to the die roll alone, or the result (with modifiers))?

수정치를 포함한 결과를 말합니다.

The result, including modifiers.

Resolution: On the villain Admiral Druvalia Thrune, change the second power to "After you roll, if your result exceeded the difficulty, you are dealt Force damage equal to the difference between the two."

posted Aug 17, 2015 | back to top

Cannon GolemAttack 특성이 있는 아이템의 영향을 받나요(Is the Cannon Golem affected by items that have the Attack trait)?



Resolution: On the henchman Cannon Golem, change "You may not play spells that have the Attack trait" to "The Cannon Golem is immune to the Attack and Mental traits".

posted Wed, Feb 3, 2016 | back to top

Chelish Marine를 인카운트 했을 때 또다른 Chelish Marine를 소환해서 싸워야 하나요(When I encounter a Chelish Marine, am I supposed to summon another one for myself)?

아니오-이미 인카운트한 카드만 처리하면 됩니다.

No—you only have to deal with the one you're already encountering.

Resolution: On the monster Chelish Marine, change "Each character at your location must summon and encounter the Chelish Marine; it is defeated or undefeated based solely on your check" to "Before you act, each other character at your location summons and encounters the Chelish Marine".

posted Mar 11, 2015 | back to top

Pirate Sniper의 "자신에게 1d4-1 원거리 공격"은 무었인가요(On Pirate Sniper, what does "1d4-1 Ranged Combat to you" mean)?

"자신에게 1d4–1 Ranged Combat damage"를 의미합니다.

It means "1d4–1 Ranged Combat damage to you."

Resolution: On the monster Pirate Sniper, change "then 1d4–1 Ranged Combat to you" to "then 1d4–1 Ranged Combat damage to you".

posted Mar 9, 2015 | back to top

Adamantine Trident +3는 모든 사람이 인카운트한 모든 몬스터의 난이도 상승 효과를 무시할 수 있나요(Can the Adamantine Trident +3 ignore difficulty-increasing powers for any monster encountered by anyone)?

아니오, 당신이 인카운터한 몬스터만 해당됩니다.

No, just monsters you encounter. This power is intended to be part of the power above it, affecting only monsters against which you are currently attempting a check to defeat.

Resolution: On the weapon Adamantine Trident +3, change "If a monster has a power that increases the difficulty of a combat check" to "If a monster has a power that increases the difficulty of that combat check", and move that sentence to the end of the first power.

posted Mar 11, 2015 | back to top

Doubleshot Pepperbox에는 "bury하지 않으면"으로 나와 있지만, 추가 데미지를 위해서 bury를 한 상뢍에서 bury되는 카드를 덱으로 섞을 수 있었습니다. Doubleshot Pepperboxbury하지 않으면서 어떻게 다른 카드들을 bury 하여 데미지를 추가할 수 있나요(Doubleshot Pepperbox says that if I didn't bury it, but I did bury cards to add damage, I might be able to shuffle it into my deck. How do I bury cards to add damage without also burying the Doubleshot Pepperbox)?

그럴 수 없고, 따라서 이런 상황은 절대 일어나지 않을 것입니다. Doubleshot Pepperbox 카드의 "or on a 1–4 if you buried any cards to add damage" 구문을 삭제합니다.

You can't, so that condition will never happen.

Resolution: On the weapon Doubleshot Pepperbox, delete the phrase "or on a 1–4 if you buried any cards to add damage".

posted Mar 11, 2015 | back to top

Old Salt's Rapier +2를 제외한 모든 레이피어는 Sword 특성이 있습니다. Old Salt's Rapier +2에도 Sword 특성이 있어야 하나요(All rapiers have the Sword trait, except for Old Salt's Rapier +2, which has the Rapier trait. Should that be the Sword trait)?

있어야 합니다.

It should.

Resolution: On the weapon Old Salt's Rapier +2, replace the Rapier trait with the Sword trait.

posted Sep 15, 2015 | back to top

Recast를 나의 체크 동안 사용할 수 있나요? 할 수 있다면, Recast한 스펠을 다시 플레이할 수 있나요(Can I play Recast during my check? If I do, can I play the spell I recast)?

체크에 사용할 수 있고, 다시 플레이 할 수 있습니다.

Yes and yes.

Resolution: On the spell Recast, add this sentence to the first power: "You may do this during a check, and if you choose yourself, you may play the spell on this check."

posted Wed, May 27, 2015 | back to top

Vengeful Storm을 플레이할 때 Wisdom만으로 체크를 시도할 수 있나요(Can I really attempt a straight Wisdom check to play Vengeful Storm)?

아니오. "Wisdom or" 부분을 삭제해야 합니다.


Resolution: On the spell Vengeful Storm, delete the words "Wisdom or".

posted Mar 11, 2015 | back to top